Full Schedule

Day 1

(October 6, 2023 @ USTP Gymnasium)

3:30 PM

  • Arrival of Participants (Onsite Registration)

5:00 PM

  • Dinner

6:00 PM

  • Opening Remarks

6:30 PM

  • Fire Pitch 🔥

7:30 PM

  • Voting for best ideas

8:00 PM

  • Team formation based on best ideas

9:00 PM

  • Team finalization and preparation for Day 2

Day 2

(October 7, 2023 @ Makerspace, LRC Bldg., USTP)

8:00 AM

  • Venue Open - Resume Hackathon

9:00 AM

  • Morning Briefing with Facilitators

9:30 AM

  • Morning Snacks

12:00 PM

  • Lunch

1:00 PM

  • Start of mentorship

4:30 PM

  • Afternoon Snacks

6:00 PM

  • Dinner and networking

7:30 PM

  • Recap and Preparation for tomorrow

8:00 PM

  • Photo Opportunity

Day 3

(October 8, 2023 @ USTP Gymnasium)

8:00 AM

  • Venue Open - Resume Hackathon

9:00 AM

  • Morning Briefing with Facilitators

9:30 AM

  • Optional Mentorship for available mentors

12:00 PM

  • Lunch

1:00 PM

  • Dry run for final pitch and Technical Check

4:30 PM

  • Grand Finale Pitches

6:00 PM

  • Deliberation by Judges

7:00 PM

  • Celebration Dinner

7:30 PM

  • Awarding Ceremony
  • SWCDO 2023 Wrap-up

8:00 PM

  • After Party